Literaturverzeichnis zum Artikel Leuchtreklame Lichtwerbung

Gut, G. (1974). Handbuch der Lichtwerbung. Planung, Herstellung, Anwendung.Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags Anstalt

Schäfer, S. & Gutknecht, B. (2009). Die neue Airport-Studie ist da. (30.08.2011).

Tullman, M. L. (2000). Support Color Kintetics. /whitepapers/retailwhitepaper.pdf (30.08.2011).

Bellizzi, J., Crowley, A., & Hasty, R. (1983). The Effects of Color in Store Design.Journal of Retailing, 59, 21-45.

Verma, H. & Madan, P. (2011). Factor analyzing the store attributes to identify key components of store image. Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium, 2, 1-21.

Mitchell, M. (2010). An analysis of road signage and advertising from a pragmatic visual communication perspective: Case study of the M1 Motorway between the Gold Coast and Brisbane, Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 21, 55-64.

van Meurs, L. & Aristoff, M. (2009). Split-Second Recognition: What Makes Outdoor Advertising Work?. Journal of Advertising Research, 49, 82-92.

Warner, L. & Franzen, R. (1947). Value of color in advertising. Journal of Applied Psychology, 31, 260-270.

Anspach, S. (2004). Plakat- und Verkehrsmittelwerbung. Göttingen: Business Village.

Gut, G. (1974). Handbuch der Lichtwerbung. Planung, Herstellung, Anwendung.Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags Anstalt.

Festinger, L., Coren, S., & Rivers, G. (1970). The Effect of Attention on Brightness Contrast and Assimilation. The American Journal of Psychology, 83, 189-207.


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